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SPI Supplies offers the highest quality possible in surgical scissors. Made in Germany, from "German" stainless steel, these high precision cutting instruments are manufactured to the highest specifications and can be autoclaved many time before any signs of corrosion are visible. While it is usually possible to find lower cost scissors from other sources, they will never cut as "clean" (e.g. free from distortion) as the SPI scissors.

We are often times asked how long we can expect a pair of these kinds of scissors to "last". Nothing in life is forever, of course, and that could not be more true for surgical scissors. It will depend not only on what is being cut but also how the scissors is being stored. For example, the sharper the edges the greater the chances of corrosion, but corrosion can be minimized buy always storing only after washing in deionized neutral pH water, drying, and then being stored in a dry environment.

Clearly also, if materials other than tissue is being cut, one would expect the life time to depend also no the nature of what is being cut, for example, a pigmented fiber will dull the edges faster than an unpigmented fiber.

Use our scalpel blades when the sample size precludes its being able to be cut with a scissors.