X-Checker Extra Small World Performance Checker Mount for EDS Calibration and Analysis

X-Checker Extra Small World Performance Checker Mount for EDS Calibration and Analysis
X-Checker Extra Small World Performance Checker Mount for EDS Calibration and Analysis
AvailabilityItem Not Available

X-Checker™ Extra Performance Checker Mount:

This handy 1" (25.4 mm) diameter x 7.5 mm high mount was designed for the microscopist who may not always have the time to check an instrument's performance using conventional standards for microanalysis. The product comes in several versions, the X-Checker™ and the X-Checker Extra™ and Wafer X-Checker (200 mm and 300 mme sizes). With these literally "all-in-one" mounts, the analyst can quickly check:

Characteristic of the X-Checker and X-Checker Extra:
1) Spectrum calibration with aluminum and copper.
2) Low energy spectrum calibration with carbon and aluminum.
3) Manganese full-width at half-max resolution measurement.
4) Low energy sensitivity test for monitoring contamination on detector window.
5) Two nickel grid sizes (high and low magnification) for checking image processing software and magnification calibration.
6) Backscattered electron detector performance

Specifications for the hole size of the grids:
40 µm x 40 µm (1,600 µm²) +/- 5%
18 µm x 18 µm ( 324 µm²) +/- 5%

The X-Checker comes on a standard 1" (25.4 mm) "metallographic size" mount, and will fit into virtually any commercially manufactured SEM, from very old to very new. For the operator of a busy SEM/EDS system, one can quickly confirm detector resolution (peak width at half maximum) and energy calibration on either Mn or Ni to make sure the window is not contaminated. Check for low atomic number sensitivity and calibrate image analysis software.

X-Checker Extra (Additional features)

This product contains all of the above features plus the following:
7) Boron Nitride to check low end of the spectrum energy performance
8) "Fluorine" source (PTFE) to check the low energy end of the spectrum resolution
9) And a beryllium (Be) grid for checking the low end sensitivity of high performance detectors
X-Checker Extra Extra (Additional features)

This product contains all of the above features plus the following:
10) Built in Faraday Cup

Note about certified standards:

We are often times asked if the X-Checker line of products are "certified" products. The information about these products is obtained on instrumentation and equipment that itself has been calibrated with NIST traceable standards but these specific products are not offered as certified products. We believe that certification of this particular kind of product would not add any value since these are pure metal standards (except for the Mn/Cu). If pure metal standards with documentation are needed, we suggest consideration of the SPI Standards for Microanalysis, specifically the 44 metals product.