Law Firms as Clients

Failure analysis is our speciality

Law firms from across the USA have come to Structure Probe, Inc. for both product liability and intellectual property rights protection cases. Our expertise in polymer characterization, for example has resulted in involvement with major patent cases involving polymer technology. And our expertise in metallurgy has resulted in our being involved in major failure analysis and property damage cases.

In more recent years, because of the unique combination of metallurgical and polymer expertise, we have been called up with increasingly greater frequency to work on cases involving implants and biomaterials generally.

Of course, there is no limit to what a laboratory could be called upon to do. Over the years, we have served as the "expert laboratory" in cases involving the documentation of consumer product advertising claims for efficacy, especially when product comparative claims are being made. In that case we work closely with both the law firm and the ultimate client's technical people.

We have also been called upon, with increasingly greater frequency, for involvement in "due diligence" work, that is, the process of doing "due diligence" for an investor prior to the making of an investment in what is purposed to be "new technology". Some times of course, it is old technology with a new label. But one needs electron microscopy and our kind of experience to be able to demonstrate what is the reality in such a case.

All work done for law firms is on a prepaid basis without prior arrangement. Normal credit terms are granted to approved insurance companies issuing a firm purchase order with a clear statement of the work being authorized and the project cost.

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